Chairman, Consumer & Human Resources Subcommittee 108th 109th, 110th.
House Finance, Ways and Means Committee - 109th, 110th.
House Ethics Committee - 110th.
Joint Fiscal Review Committee - 109th, 110th.
State Workforce Development Board - 109th, 110th.
Regional Greater Nashville Regional Council - 110th.
Launch Tennessee Board of Directors - 110th.
House Insurance and Banking Committee -108th.
Governor's Education Policy Summit -109th.
Chairman, House Government Operations Committee 106th.
House Government Operations Committee - 103rd - 106th.
House Calendar and Rules Committee - 106th..
House Commerce Committee 103rd - 106th.
Small Business Subcommittee 103rd - 106th.
Budget & Tax Reduction Task Force 103rd - 106th.
Ethics, Open Government & Election Law Task Force 103rd - 106th.